Magic Days: Your Journey Through the Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot of Every Day of the Year
Magic Days: Your Journey Through the Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot of Every Day of the Year
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From celebrated astrologer Nadine Jane, a guide to the journey of every day and birthday of the year, revealing how the current astrological season, along with the wisdom of tarot and numerology, can help you lead a happier and more fulfilled life
Fans and celebrities alike flock to Nadine Jane for custom astrological readings that focus on self-understanding, self-empowerment, and self-care. Now, for the first time, readers have access to her insights in this comprehensive guide to the inherent magic of every day of the year, unveiling the daily inspirations, challenges, and guides that will help you take care of yourself every day.
For each day of the year, you'll discover guidance for the day's particular journey based on the astrology, tarot, and numerology, along with a mantra, a ritual, and a journaling prompt, so you can home in on the lessons and wisdom that come from that particular moment in time, whether it's Capricorn or Aries season. You'll also find special information if it's your birthday, so you can take the day's celestial wisdom to heart when it comes to your personal journey, relationships, goals, and dreams.
Whether you're a novice looking for your first introduction to spiritual practices, a lost soul who could use some direction in life, a jaded expert looking for a bird's-eye view of the topics you know far too well, an empathic people-reader who loves to understand others, or a complete skeptic who considers this "spiritual nonsense" while secretly delighting in the inexplicable accuracy of it all, you'll find something for every day of your luminous life in Magic Days.